This page allows you to inspect samples of our work. In the interests of confidentiality, customers' details and other identifying or customer-specific information have been removed.
Instructions to customer's software engineers (42kB) Description: This file contains Novarex instructions for writing the software driver that loads the logic content onto a board's Altera FPGA when the product is turned on. Our customer developed the code without difficulty, and the procedure worked successfully first time. This arrangement saved the cost of an on-board non-volatile memory and avoided the logistics of programming such a memory during production. It also facilitated field upgrades by permitting new versions to be released to customers together with software distributed on CDs or through the Internet.
Description: Sample annotated portion of a BOM for a board designed by Novarex, including links to component datasheets and manufacturers' Web sites.
Instructions to PCB artwork designer (61kB) Description: Careful component placement, conductor routing and the provision of gaps between areas that must not interfere with each other, are crucial for correct functioning and avoidance of EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) problems. This file is an example of PCB layout instructions, prepared by Novarex, for a board containing sensitive telephony circuits, a high-voltage switching power supply and a PLD (Programmable Logic Device).
Description: Contains design considerations for an isolated parallel interface belonging to a circuit board designed by Novarex.
Sample circuit description (83kB) Description: Contains a description of circuit design changes developed by Novarex, for a mass-produced fax machine, required for addition new features.
International call progress tones (93kB) Description: Contains a description of call progress tones (dial tone, ringing tone, busy tone, etc.) to be generated and detected by a telephone exchange in various countries. This document summarizes the results of research by Novarex based upon a large number of national and international standards and recommendations.
Description: Sample hourly log showing the kind of detail attached to Novarex bills.
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©2003 Novarex Enterprises Ltd. All rights reserved
Last updated on
February 12, 2007